# natur-service

The call layer design of natur action is used to aggregate multiple actions into a certain business flow. It is suitable for complex business scenarios. The separation of advanced scenarios can better maintain a single action and expand business.


This plugin is no longer recommended for use. Please use the "watch" option in the "natur" module as a replacement.

# associated natur version

natur natur-service
2.0.0 2.0.0
2.1.x 2.1.x

# install

# npm install natur-service -S
$ yarn install natur-service

# purpose

  1. for cross-module communication and business processing, he can do the following two things
  2. observe module updates and update details
  3. dispatch an action of a module, even if the lazy loaded module has not been loaded yet

# tutorials

# sample store


import { createStore } from 'natur';

const count = {
  state: 1,
  actions: {
    inc: (state) => state + 1,
    dec: (state) => state - 1,

// annother module, just for demo
const count1 = {
  state: 1,
  actions: {
    inc: (state) => state + 1,
    dec: (state) => state - 1,

const modules = {
  count1: count,

const lazyModules = {};

export const store = createStore(modules, lazyModules);
export type M = typeof modules;
export type LM = typeof lazyModules;

# observe module updates and update details


import {store, M, LM} from "store";
import NaturService from "natur-service";

class CountService extends NaturService<M, LM> {
  constructor() {
    // observe the count module, please see the documentation for ModuleEvent
    this.watch("count", (me: ModuleEvent) => {
      // this is the update details
      // this is the business logic you want to execute
      console.log('count module has changed.');

// instantiate, start listening
const countService = new CountService();

# dispatch action


import {store, M, LM} from "store";
import NaturService from "natur-service";

class CountService extends NaturService<M, LM> {
  constructor() {
    // execute the inc action of the count module
    this.dispatch('count', 'inc', 0).then(() => {
      // if count is a module that has not been loaded yet, this action will not be triggered until count is loaded
      // if the same action is called multiple times during the unloading period, the old dispatch will throw a fixed Promise error to clear the cache and prevent stack overflow
      console.log('dispatch complete');

// instantiate, do dispatch
const countService = new CountService();

# destroy observing and cache


import {store, M, LM} from "store";
import NaturService from "natur-service";

class CountService extends NaturService<M, LM> {
  constructor() {
    this.watch("count", () => {/* ...business logic */});

const countService = new CountService();

// do destroy

# code packaging suggestions

  • encapsulate complex initialization code


import {store, M, LM} from "store";
import NaturService from "natur-service";

export class BaseService extends NaturService<M, LM> {
  constructor(s: typeof store = store) {
  start() {}
  • create business service count-service.ts
import { BaseService } from "base-service";

class CountService extends BaseService {
  start() {
    // you can directly get to the store
    // this means to watch the change of state in count and synchronize it to count1
    this.watch("count", ({state}) => {
      this.dispatch('count1', 'inc', state);

const countService = new CountService();

# ModuleEvent

property name description type
state the latest state of the module any | undefined
type the type of module update,'init' is triggered when the module is initialized,'update' is triggered when the state of the module is updated, and'remove' is triggered when the module is remove 'init' |'update' |'remove'
actionName the name of the action that triggers the module update, only exists when the type is'update' string | undefined
oldModule the data of the old module, when the type is'init', it is undefined InjectStoreModule | undefined
newModule the data of the new module, when the type is 'remove', it is undefined InjectStoreModule | undefined


  • remember to import the instantiated service into your project entry
  • you should not use service in the store module, because the initialization of the service depends on the initialization of the store, which will cause circular references.
  • it will not start observing immediately after instantiation, but will start observing after a micro task queue
  • please note that when dispatching an action of a lazy-loaded module that has not been loaded multiple times, the old dispatch will report an error.
Last Updated: 6/9/2023, 9:22:48 AM